SPEAK UP! Please share Robin’s story. Can you – or someone you know – solve her mystery?


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Contact the MD State Police Homicide Unit, 410-822-3101

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Remembering Robin

News Video - NBC

News Comments

  • "Nothing has been ruled out. We're not saying who is and isn't a suspect or may be someone we're interested in talking to. All things are being considered. (We'll) certainly continue to look for a missing person who has disappeared under suspicious circumstances," said State Police spokesman Greg Shipley.
  • As the case unfolds, friends and family of Pope are joining together. They were brought together first to find a friend and mother. Now a Facebook page dedicated to the search serves another purpose. It has become a memorial, with people in the community posting to share their grief and their desire for justice.
  • Anyone with information on her whereabouts is asked to call the Maryland State Police at the Centreville Barrack at 410-758-1101.
  • Potential Reward for Valid and Useful Tips! Call CRIMESTOPPERS: 1-866-756-2587

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